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Descripción - Reseña del editor The most authoritative manual available on today's cruising boats and their equipment, written by some of the world's most respected and experienced sailors and yacht designers.
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Desirable and undesirable characteristics of offshore get this from a library desirable and undesirable characteristics of offshore yachts john rousmaniere cruising club of america technical committee
Desirable and undesirable characteristics of offshore yachts this is the authority on the features and equipment that belong and those that dont belong in a cruising sailboat rarely before has a book on sailing drawn upon as much experience and knowledge as these authors provide between them they have been sailing for some 850 years have covered more than 750000 miles offshore the equivalent of 30 circuits of the globe and have owned 43
Desirable and undesirable characteristics of offshore yachts the book desirable and undesirable characteristics of offshore yachts is in part an outgrowth of the fastnet disaster and the increasing numbers of accidents occurring during offshore v during the 1979 fastnet race a major storm blew in during the race and resulted in the deaths of 15 sailors and the sinking of five boats
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