[Download] The Darkroom Handbook de Michael John Langford Libros Gratis en EPUB, The Darkroom Handbook Libro pdf espanol
Descripción - Reseña del editor The Darkroom Handbook is a complete illustrated manual of skills, equally useful to the beginner who has never processed film but wants to try and to the experienced amateur or professional who is already highly proficient in darkroom procedures. From the most basic techniques (setting up a darkroom, loading film in a developing tank, handling chemicals) to the most complicated (making dye transfer prints, solarization, pointillism effects), it explains everything, step by step, with an abundance of photographs, drawings, and charts that no other book can match. Written by one of the world's foremost photographic educators and produced by the editorial team responsible for such best-selling guides as The Photographer's Handbook and The Step-by-Step Guide to Photography, this book has been carefully organized to lead the novice readily into progressively more interesting and sophisticated procedures. For the first time in any darkroom book, a major emphasis has been placed on color -- not only basic processing and printing, but also advanced methods of handling color creatively.Comprehensive, wonderfully clear, handsomely produced and printed, The Darkroom Handbook is an essential part of every photographer's library. Nota de la solapa Handbook is a complete illustrated manual of skills, equally useful to the beginner who has never processed film but wants to try and to the experienced amateur or professional who is already highly proficient in darkroom procedures. From the most basic techniques (setting up a darkroom, loading film in a developing tank, handling chemicals) to the most complicated (making dye transfer prints, solarization, pointillism effects), it explains everything, step by step, with an abundance of photographs, drawings, and charts that no other book can match. Written by one of the world's foremost photographic educators and produced by the editorial team responsible for such best-selling guides as The Photographer's Handbook and The Step-by-Step Guide to Photography, this book has been carefully organized to lead the novice readily into progressively more interesting and sophisticated procedures. For the first time in any darkroom book, a major emphasis has been placed on color -- not only basic processing and Biografía del autor Michael Langford is the author of a number of books in the Knopf series of photographic how-to volumes, among them The Step-by-Step Guide to Photography and The Master Guide to Photography. He teaches photography at the Royal College of Art in London, and has worked as a professional photographer for many leading advertising agencies.
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