Lee un libro Tunesmith: Inside the Art of Songwriting de Jimmy Webb Libros Gratis en EPUB, Tunesmith: Inside the Art of Songwriting ePub Mobi
Descripción - Reseña del editor The prolific songwriter offers novices advice on creating melodies, harmonies, and lyrics, as well as tips for marketing compositions and dealing with the music industry BiografÃa del autor A minister's son from Eld City, Oklahoma, Jimmy Webb has been writing songs for over twenty-five years. The only artist to receive Grammy Awards for music, lyrics, and orchestration, he is a member of the National Academy of Popular Music Songwriters' Hall of Fame and the Nashville Songwriters' Hall of Fame. According to BMI, his song 'By the Time I Get to Phoenix' is the third most-performed song in the last fifty years, with 'Up, Up and Away' on the same list in the Top Thirty. Jimmy Webb lives in New York State. For more information, visit Jimmy Webb's official website: www.jimmywebb.com.
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