Descargar The Piercing Bible: The Definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing de Elayne Angel Ebooks, PDF, ePub, The Piercing Bible: The Definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing Descarga gratuita
Descripción - Reseña del editor Piercing pioneer Elayne Angel has performed over 40,000 piercings since the 1980s and has brought many practices, such as tongue-piercing, into the mainstream. She brings her exhaustive knowledge to this groundbreaking manual that covers everything you need to know about the process, including:• The best piercings and placements for various body parts and body types• Terminology, tools, and techniques of the trade• Vital sterility, sanitation, and hygiene information • Jewelry designs, shapes, and materials• Advice for people with stretch marks, plastic surgery, and unique anatomy• Healing, aftercare, and troubleshooting for problem-free piercing'As a piercer, nurse, and educator, I can say without a doubt that this is the most complete book ever written for all people in our industry.'--DAVID A. VIDRA, FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF HEALTH EDUCATORS, INC.'No one is more qualified to write this book than Elayne Angel. With more than three decades of personal experience to her credit, no one knows the subject better.'--JIM WARD, FOUNDER OF GAUNTLET, THE WORLD'S FIRST BODY PIERCING STUDIO'This is an exciting book for a field that has exploded in the last two decades. National industry standards are needed, and Elayne provides important data.'--MYRNA L. ARMSTRONG, RN, EdD BiografÃa del autor ELAYNE ANGEL has been a professional piercer for more than 20 years and has performed over 40,000 piercings. She was awarded the President's Lifetime Achievement Award by the Association of Professional Piercers in 2006 and is a contributing writer for PAIN Magazine. She lives in Merida, Mexico.THE AUTHOR SCOOPHave you ever met a famous person? I was acquainted with a piercing customer from the Gauntlet in West Hollywood, and later we became fast friends. One day he asked me if I'd go 'on tour' with him to be his 'tour piercer.' Not knowing precisely what I was getting into, I agreed; it sounded like fun. I arrived just in time to watch him at work. From my vantage point on the side of a gigantic stage, I saw a stadium full of 50,000 screaming fans. That was the moment I realized that my friend Lenny (Kravitz) was a famous rock star! During my two-week journey with them, everyone got a piercing at his urging: all the members of his band, his bus driver, sound engineer, motorcycle mechanic, and others in his entourage. He is a huge fan and I have performed many piercings on him. After I pierced his nipples, which he clearly enjoyed, Lenny Kravitz announced, 'I wish I had ten nipples so I could have you pierce all of them.' What's the history of your last name?Because of the large angel wings I have tattooed on my back, many people had taken to calling me 'Angel.' Eventually I started to use the name myself because it was easy for people to remember after they saw my tattoo.Do you have any unusual or special family traditions? My mom loves to give multiple birthday cards. This year she gave me one that made me laugh so hard it almost brought tears to my eyes.Cover image: a punk-rocker gal with tattoos, piercings, and a spiked Mohawk.Her dialogue bubble: 'Know how to tell you're getting older?'Inside: 'Your nipple rings clang against your belt buckle. Happy Birthday.'Any unusual hobbies? In my first career, I was as a sign language interpreter at a university. It always surprises deaf people when they find I can communicate with them so well–particularly when they remark on my appearance before becoming aware that I can understand what they're signing.What do you like to make by hand?I love to crochet–especially in public. It utterly confuses people to see a heavily tattooed and pierced woman engaged in such a grandma-type craft. I once crocheted a round queen-size bedspread that was a stunning replica of a large pizza.
The piercing bible the definitive guide to safe body the piercing bible is primarily directed toward piercees but it also contains a wealth of information for the parents of children who want to get pierced or are already pierced teachers who work with pierced students healthcare professionals who deal with pierced patients whether treating problem piercings or performing unrelated medical procedures and piercers who want an authoritative
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Running the gauntlet ward jim 9780988851603 the book is a fun and informative recounting of jims experiences running the gauntlet the first commercial body piercing studios in the us if youre a piercer then you have to buy this book jim ward did an amazing job recounting the birth of modern body piercing in a way no one else could with wit candor and humor
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