Descargar RESPEKT: 150 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger de Peter Neumann Libros Gratis en EPUB, RESPEKT: 150 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger Descargar libro
Descripción - Reseña del editor When ships seek safety in port, lifeboats head out to sea, no matter the weather conditions. The German Maritime Search and Rescue Service, the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbr chiger (DGzRS), founded 1865, is probably the world's best equipped non-governmental rescue organization with a correspondingly trained and motivated personnel force dedicated to saving life and rendering assistance at sea. In May 2015 the society celebrates its 150th anniversary. RESPEKT is an homage to the lifeboat service and people securing the German North Sea and Baltic coasts. Lively English-German essays and picture captions give deep insight into the world of sea rescue. The book introduces the reader to lifeboat history, astonishing lifeboat technology and noble men and woman whose priorities are to aid people in peril at sea. Biografía del autor Peter Neumann lives and works in Hamburg. He was born 1949 in Kenya, schooled in the UK and trained in professional photography in Germany. As a pioneer of modern marine photography, he has not only adapted camera equipment to survive the unforgiving environment of the sea, but designed and built his own fast workboats, now marketed under the Kiel Classic brand name. Peter Neumann's company Yacht Photo Service (YPS), founded in 1972, has one of Europe's largest collections of yacht and shipping images. He furthermore owns a specialist advertising agency for the maritime industry and has been responsible for the creation of numerous books featuring yachts, merchant and naval ships.
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