Descargar Gratis AMaze de Cristina Mittermaier PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descarga gratuita AMaze descarga de libros
Descripción - Críticas 'a beautiful publication and a must for fans of travel photography' --Amateur Photographer, 15/09/2018'a breathtaking collection of images that is sure to elicit our awe and wonder at the natural world' --Outdoor Photography, October 2018'an evocative collection of photography' --Food and Travel, December 2018 Reseña del editor Des littoraux aux endroits les plus reculés de la planète, où des peuples indigènes vivent à l'écart du monde, la photographe Cristina Mittermeier explore la relation de l'Homme à la Terre ainsi que les voies susceptibles de mener à un avenir durable. Si quelqu'un connaît l'eau, c'est bien Cristina Mittermeier. Diplômée en biologie marine et photographe, elle concilie son travail derrière l'objectif avec sa passion pour la protection de l'environnement. Elle parcourt le monde pour étudier notre relation aux terres et aux océans, et pour nous sensibiliser à la beauté et à la détresse de notre planète. Dans Amaze elle suscite chez nous une admiration empreinte de respect pour la Nature et nous montre les multiples facettes d'un mode de vie durable. Cet ouvrage réunit deux séries de photographies : ' Enoughness ' (Satiété) et ' The Water's Edge ' (Littoraux). ' Enoughness' esquisse la philosophie de vie de Cristina Mittermeier : mener une existence marquée par le respect et la durabilité. Ses images d'animaux sauvages, de contrées lointaines et de peuples vivant dans les endroits les plus reculés de la planète remettent en question le culte de la société d'abondance. Elles suggèrent également d'autres modèles pour instaurer une relation pleine de sens et éco responsable à notre environnement, aux autres et à nous-mêmes. Prises dans toutes les parties du monde, les photographies de la série ' The Water's Edge ' captent la transition entre les terres et la mer, et l'importance particulière de cette zone dans la vie des gens. Pour les pêcheurs, qui y capturent leurs prises quotidiennes, mais aussi les femmes qui font leur lessive dans les eaux peu profondes ou les surfeurs, le littoral constitue une entité spatiale universelle, dans laquelle des instants fugitifs révèlent notre dépendance commune de la planète Terre, mais aussi notre humanité partagée. Poignante source d'inspiration pour une vie durable, et spectaculaire recueil de photographies naturalistes, Amaze s'adresse à tous ceux qui se soucient de la Planète bleue et des peuples avec lesquels nous la partageons. Contraportada From ocean shores to some of the most remote indigenous communities in the world, photographer Cristina Mittermeier explores humanity’s relationship with the planet and possibilities for a mindful, sustainable future. Cristina Mittermeier knows a thing or two about water. Trained as a marine biologist and a photographer, the Mexico City-born Mittermeier combines her work behind the lens with her passion for environmentalism, taking pictures around the world to explore our relationship to the earth and ocean and to draw attention to the beauty and the plight of our planet. In Amaze, Mittermeier elicits our wonder and awe at the natural world and the labyrinth or “maze” of navigating a sustainable existence. The book combines two series: “Enoughness” and “The Water’s Edge.” The first draws out Mittermeier’s philosophy for a mindful and sustainable way of being in the world. Bringing together photographs from some of the most isolated corners of the earth, the book shows wild animals, remote landscapes, and indigenous peoples?challenging the cult of material wealth and proposing alternatives for a meaningful and sustainable connection to our environment, each other, and ourselves. In “The Water’s Edge,” Mittermeier presents photographs from around the globe that capture the frontier between land and ocean and the special meaning it has for human life. Whether it is fishermen bringing in their daily haul, women washing laundry in the shallows, or surfers frolicking in the spray, the water’s edge is revealed as an integral and universal space in which ephemeral moments reveal not only our common dependency on the planet, but also our common humanity. As much an inspiration for sustainable living as a staggering collection of nature photography, Amaze is a must-have book for all those who care about our planet and those we share it with. Photographer and marine biologist, CRISTINA GOETTSCH MITTERMEIER, was born in Mexico City in 1966. A passionate environmentalist, she founded the International League of Conservation Photographers (ILCP) in 2005 and the non-profit organization SeaLegacy in 2015. Her work has been published in National Geographic and TIME and she has received both the Mission Award from the North American Nature Photography Association and the Smithsonian Conservation Photographer of the Year Award. Every other breath we take comes from the ocean. What we do or fail to do in the next five years will determine what our oceans and planet look like for the next ten thousand years. That is why I co-founded SeaLegacy, an organization that, with your support, can change how the story ends. ?Cristina Mittermeier Biografía del autor Photographer and marine biologist, CRISTINA GOETTSCH MITTERMEIER, was born in Mexico City in 1966. A passionate environmentalist, she founded the International League of Conservation Photographers (ILCP) in 2005 and the non-profit organization SeaLegacy in 2015. Her work has been published in National Geographic and TIME and she has received both the Mission Award from the North American Nature Photography Association and the Smithsonian Conservation Photographer of the Year Award.
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